Electrodes, Equipotential Lines and Dielectrics Simulation

Program to visualize the field produced by electrodes and dielectrics in two dimensions

The rectangular area represents a 6cm x 6cm cross section of a two dimensional problem in electrostatics.
The dark blue electrode is grounded (0V), while the dark red one is at 9V (as if connected to a battery).
The boundary is at intermediate voltages.

The program uses the relaxation method to solve the electrostatics problem. It is necessary at least 1000 iterations for the results to be trusted.

Selecting "Equipotential" you will see black lines at voltages of 1V, 2V, ... up to 8V.
Selecting "Field lines" will show them in purple.
If "Vectors E" is selected, arrows will be shown indicating the magnitude of the electric field. Scale 1 pixel = 20V/m (capped at 25 pixels = 500 V/m).

You can choose several different configurations of electrodes, including parallel plates (as a capacitor), circles, etc.

The "V" display shows the potential at the position of the mouse.
The "E" display shows the electric field vector in Cartesian coordinates X is horizontal and Y vertical, right and up are positive.
The "|E|" display shows the magnitude if the electric field vector.

You can choose no dielectrics (vacuum), a circle, a square or bars.

In the Potential mode, the color scale goes from blue (0V) to red (9V) indicating electric potential, a scalar quantity.
In the Electric Field mode, the color scale goes from dark blue (0V/m) to red(1000 V/m or more) indicating the magnitude of the electric field vector.