
File Description
Constant acceleration Constant acceleration
Car sim1 Car sim1
Car sim2 Car sim2
Car sim3 Car sim3
Friction Friction
Golf ball Golf ball
Kepler's third law Kepler's third law
Newton's mountain Newton's mountain
Simple harmonic oscillator Simple harmonic oscillator
Block between two springs Block between two springs
Wave on a string v1 Wave on a string v1
Wave on a string v2 Wave on a string v2
Wave in 2D Wave in 2D
Bernoulli's equation Bernoulli's equation


File Description
Electric field due to point charges. Electric field due to point charges.
Electric field of the water molecule. Electric field due to the water molecule.
Electric potential due to point charges. Electric potential due to point charges in 3D.
Electric potential due to the water molecule. Electric potential due to the water molecule.
Electric field and potential in 2D. Electric field and potential in 2D.
Gauss Law in 2D. Gauss Law in 2D.
Gauss Law. Gauss Law.


File Description
Rings carrying current Magnetic field due to current in rings
Field due to long wires Magnetic field due to long parallel wires
An electric generator Electric generator
Hall Effect Hall Effect
Magnetic force on a moving charge Magnetic force on a moving charge
Motor fields Magnetic fields in motors
Solar wind Trajectories of solar wind particles

Modern Physics

File Description
Blackbody radiation Blackbody radiation
Thomson atom Thomson vision of the atom
Rutherford scattering Alpha particle scatters off a gold nucleus
Rutherford atom Rutherford vision of the atom
Bragg diffraction Bragg diffraction with microwaves

Classical Mechanics

File Description
Simple ellipse Simple ellipse
Feynman's Ellipse Feynman's Ellipse
Lagrange points Lagrange points
Law of distance squared Law of distance squared
Brachistochrone Curve with the shortest time between two points.
Solar system Solar system


File Description
Electric field in 2D Electric field in 2D

Quantum Mechanics

File Description
Particle in a 1D box Particle in a 1D box
Particle in a finite potential well Particle in a 1D well
Particle in a 2D box Particle in a 2D box
Particle in a 3D box Particle in a 3D box
Particle in a 1D harmonic potential Particle in a 1D harmonic Pot.
Particle in a 2D harmonic potential Particle in a 2D harmonic Pot.
Particle in a 3D harmonic potential Particle in a 3D harmonic Pot.
Hydrogen atom Hydrogen atom.
Tunneling Tunneling through a barrier.

Thermal Physics

File Description
Gas and energy Gas and energy
Gas and gravitation Gas and gravitation
Gas and velocity Gas and velocity
Combustion Combustion


File Description
Chirality Chilarity (glucose)
Fresnel Fresnel
One lens Images generated by one lens
Two lenses Images generated by two lenses
One-slit diffraction One-slit diffraction
Two-slit diffraction Two-slit diffraction


File Description
The Earth Our planet rotating
Day and night Map with day and night
The World illuminated by the Sun The light on Earth
The antipodes The other side of the planet
Satellite orbits Satellites in orbit
Blinking a star field Try to locate a planet in a star field.


File Description
Resistance Resistance simulated in the Drude Model


File Description
Filter Filter with capacitors and resistances
J-FET sim 1 J-FET sim 1
J-FET sim 2 J-FET sim 2
PN junction Diode


File Description
DNA A section of DNA