3D Objects

File Description
Double Helix in 3D Two helixes in 3D
Volcanos in 3D A few volcanos on a hill
An hourglass Hourglass
Another hourglass Hourglass in 3D
A still Still
Shapes resembling red blood cells Oblate objects
A math object Math object
Another math object Another math object
Mesmerizing object Object that changes over time
Another mesmerizing object Object that moves

Interesting things

File Description
Scientists' microportraits Some great scientists bios
A fractal tree Tree created with javascript and canvas
A fractal fern Fern created with javascript and canvas
A fractal bug The famous Mandelbrot fractal
Sudoku helper Keeps track of your solution and helps a little
Duval Triangle Useful diagnostic tool for transformers
A drawing Canvas drawing
Icosahedrons The regular polyhedron with the most sides

Game of life

File Description
Game of life 1 Cells live in a 2D world with empty boundaries
Game of life 2 Cells live in a 2D world with wrap around boundaries
Game of life 3 Spherical cells live on the surface of a cube (still 2D) with continuous boundaries
Game of life 4 Flat cells live on the surface of a cube with continuous boundaries, observe in 3D.
Game of life, spacecrafts Spacecraft in the game of life

Putnam Problems

File Description
Putnam problem Feynman Putnam problem that can be solved using Richard Feynman's "toolbox"
Putnam problem cubic Putnam problem about a triangle on a cubic function
Putnam problem torus Putnam problem about a solid of revolution

The Physics Teacher Challenges

File Description
Natural "log" problem, November 2010 Problem to minimize energy in a trajectory
A futile chase, September 2012 A turtle chases another turtle forever
Another wedge issue, October 2012 A wedge is accelerated by a sliding block
The pin and the pendulum, November 2012 Pendulum wraps around pin
A giant leap, December 2012 Polar projectile hits equator
Triple double, February 2013 Two charged particles dancing
Know strings attached, March 2017 Three charges move on a plane
Fox trot, September 2017 A rabbit chases a fox
Just pulling through, October 2017 Pulling a marble to keep tip at v=cnst.
Impulse control, May 2018 Charged particle in a fluid with B field
Plane and simple, December 2018 A small mass slides up and down an inclined plane