Set | Application |
PN junction simulation | Model of a PN junction |
J-FET curves | J-FET curves shown as surface |
J-FET simulation | J-FET depletion zone effects |
Two-pole low-pass filter | Two-Pole Low-Pass Filter |
Set | Problems and solutions |
Thevenin equivalents | Thevenin |
AC circuits | AC circuits |
Capacitors | capacitors |
Power | power |
RC circuits | RC circuits |
Voltage sources | Voltage sources |
Set | Problems and solutions |
Diodes, physics aspects | diodes, inner works |
Diodes, simple circuits | diodes, basic circuits |
Diodes, quiescent point | diodes, Q-point |
Diodes, more circuits | diodes, more circuits |
Clippers | clippers |
Zener diodes | Zener |
Dynamic response of diodes | Dynamics of diodes |
Half wave rectifier | HW rectifier |
Full wave rectifiers | FW rectifier |
Bridge rectifiers | Bridge rectifier |
Silicon controlled rectifier | SCRs |
Set | Problems and solutions |
Bipolar junction transistors biasing | BJT biasing |
Common emitter amplifiers | CE amplifiers |
Common collector amplifiers | CC amplifiers |
More BJT examples | More BJT examples |
Frequency response of BJT amplifiers | Freq. response of BJT amplifiers |
Load lines in BJT amplifiers | Load lines BJT amplifiers |
J-FET biasing | J-FET biasing |
FET amplifiers | FET amplifiers |
Amplifier with feedback | Amplifier with feedback |
Current sources | Current sources |
Set | Problems and solutions |
Basic circuits with opamps | Opamps, basic circuits |
Variable gain amplifier | Variable gain amplifier |
Current amplifier with opamp | Current amplifier |
Adder with opamp | Adder |
Comparators | Comparators |
Integrator and derivator | Integrator and derivator |
Low pass filter | Low pass filter |
High pas filter | High pass filter |
Band pass filter | Band pass filter |
Special filters | Special filters |
Digital analog converter | Converter DAC |
Phase shifter | Phase shifter |
Rectifier compensated by opamp | Rectifier without voltage drop |
Set | Problems and solutions |
Relaxation oscillator | Oscillator with one opamp |
Oscillator based on a 555 chip | Oscillator with 555 |
Mono stable based on a 555 chip | One shot with 555 |
Lock-in amplifier | Lock-in amplifier |
Flip flops | F/Fs |
Logic gates | logic gates |
Shannon-Hartley equation | Data transmission with noise |