
Set Notes Coments
Central force motion C. F. motion Motion with a central force
g-vector gvector The gravity vector
Rutherford scattering R. scattering The impact parameter

Newtonian Mechanics

Sets Problems and solutions
Acceleration Acceleration
Brachistochrone Brachistochrone
Friction Friction
Inclines Inclines
Newton's laws Newton's laws
Noninertial frames Non inertial frames
Projectiles Projectiles


Sets Problems and solutions
Damped oscillator Damped oscillator
Eigenfrequencies Eigenfrequencies
Forced oscillator Forced oscillator
General oscillations General oscillations
Physical pendulum Physical pendulum
Resonance Resonance
Simple harmonic oscillator SHO
Simple harmonic oscillator in 2D SHO in 2D
Simple pendulum Simple pendulum
Small oscillations Small oscillations


Sets Problems and solutions
Central force motion Central force motion
Gravitation Gravitation
Orbits Orbits


Simulation Program Comments
Solar system Solar system Planets and asteroids around the Sun
Lagrange Points Lagrange Points Places where the net force is zero in the rotating Sun-planet system
Law of distance squared Law of distance squared The area grows as the square of the distance
Brachistochrone Brachistochrone Curve to get from A to B in the shortest time
Feynman's ellipse Feynman's ellipse Inverse square law implies ellipses

Rigid Bodies

Sets Problems and solutions
Euler angles Euler angles
Moments of inertia Moments of inertia
Precession Precession


Sets Problems and solutions
Collisions Collisions
Cross section Cross section
Diatomic molecule scattering Scattering of diatomic molecules

Math Applications

Sets Problems and solutions
Fourier series Fourier series
Imposed conditions Imposed conditions
Lagrangians Lagrangians
Laplace transform Laplace transform
Perturbation theory Perturbation theory
Phase diagrams Phase diagrams
Successive approximations Successive approximations
Virial Theorem Virial Theorem